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Paul Bradley

Clinical Director | Chiropractor

Growing up in Derry, Northern Ireland, in the 80's and 90's wasn't always the easiest. For the most part, I liked to keep active and keep myself busy, whether that was with school, studying, running or on a tennis court, I was always doing something.

I was first introduced to Chiropractic Care when I was 12 years old and injured my foot during a race, competing for the local school team. A Chiropractor, who is well known in the area, Marie Mc'Elhinney, provided free treatment for the school athletics team. I had never heard of Chiropractic before and the results to me were amazing. I became injury free in no time. and knew that I had to include this as part of my overall approach to my athletic training. I went on to compete for Ireland and Northern Ireland as a cross country runner and to this day, I thank Marie and her team for helping me achieve those accomplishments. Without Chiropractic, I would have been finished with training at 12. 

When it came to choosing a career path, it was easy. I knew for me there was only one choice, to become a Chiropractor and help as many people as I could. I will never forget the kindness and support Marie gave to all of us on that team and I hope in my professional career I help people in that same way.

After 4 years of full time study, I graduated from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic in 2006, and returned to Northern Ireland to practice. I worked in a number of clinics throughout Northern Ireland and in 2009, only 3 years after graduating, I was presented with an opportunity to purchase a clinic in Carrick on Shannon, Ireland.

Coming from a country where Chiropractic is Legislated, I was shocked at how people felt about Chiropractors in Ireland, and that so many before had treated people in a way that was, in my opinion far below the level of patient care I believed was needed. Along with my business partner at the time, I knew that my goal in life was to try and change the perception of Chiropractic in Ireland, by providing the people of this country the level of care and service that they deserve, and to really experience Chiropractic Care and all of its benefits.

I hope that if you visit my clinic in Carrick on Shannon, Longford Town, Galway City or Dublin, that you can feel the care about your care, and if you don't, I want to know!


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