Dealing with
Sciatica is a term used to diagnose leg pain. Sciatic pain occurs when there is pressure on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve originates from the lumbar spine area of the back i.e. the lower back, and continues through the buttock, down the posterior aspect of the thigh, into the leg and all the way to the base of the foot. There are certain branches of the sciatic nerve which travel to other areas of the leg and feet.
Sciatic pain can originate from a number of structures of the lower back, but predominantly from the joints of the lumbar spine and the discs. There are more severe cases of sciatica and some of the signs and symptoms are listed below.
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Commonly known as that awful painful feeling running down your leg, extending from your lower back, sometimes creating pins and needles into your feet.
Chiropractors treat the root cause of sciatica.
Signs & Symptoms
Pain located at the base of the spine and radiating into the buttock.
Pain into the buttock and radiating down the thigh to the back of the knee.
Pain into the lower aspect of the leg and into the feet
Constant pain travelling from the lower back to the foot on one leg
Constant pain radiating into the feet
Constant tingling pins and needles and numbness